Turkish Phrases For Buying Tickets

In this lesson, you will learn common Turkish phrases for buying tickets. Let’s assume you wanna buy a ticket to somewhere in Turkey and you have visited the ticket office in Istanbul.

Here is the common vocabulary and phrases you will need when you need to buy a ticket in Turkish.

Common Turkish Vocabulary for Buying Tickets
  • Bilet : Ticket
  • Rezervasyon yaptırmak : To book
  • Boş koltuk : Available seat
  • Cam kenarı koltuğu : Window seat
  • Koridor tarafı koltuğu : Aisle seat
  • Kalkış saati : Departure time.
  • Varış saati : Arrival time
  • Varış yeri : Destination
  • Kalkış yeri : The place of departure
  • Koltuk numarası : Seat number
  • Tek yönlü bilet : One way ticket
  • Çift yönlü bilet : Two-way ticket:
Common Turkish Phrases for Buying Tickets

  • Kapadokya’ya bir bilet alabilir miyim ?
  • Could ı get a ticket to Cappadocia ?
  • İstanbul’a tek yön bilet istiyorum.
  • I would like a one way ticket to Istanbul.
  • İstanbul’a bilet rezervasyonu yapabilir miyim?
  • Can I book a ticket to Istanbul?
  • Bilet ne kadar ?
  • How much is the ticket ?
  • 10:30 otobüsüne rezervasyon yaptırmak istiyorum.
  • I would like to book the 10:30 bus.
  • Öğleden sonra 2’de seyahat etmek istiyorum.
  • I would like to travel at 2:00 pm.
Turkish phrases for buying ticket
  • Gece saat 10’da seyahat etmek istiyorum.
  • I would like to travel at 10:00 am.
  • ilk sabah otobüsü saat kaçta kalkıyor ?
  • What time does the first morning bus leave?
  • Boş tekli koltuk var mı ?
  • Is there a available single seat ?
  • Ön tarafa yakın bir cam kenarı koltuğu istiyorum.
  • I would like a window seat near the front.
  • Cam kenarı koltuğu alabilir miyim ?
  • Can ı get a window seat ?
  • Otobüsüm saat kaçta ?
  • What time is my bus ?
  • Otobüs hangi perondan kalkacak?
  • From which platform will the bus depart?
  • Biletimi iptal edebilir miyim ?
  • Can ı cancel my ticket ?
  • Koltuk numaram kaç ?
  • What is my seat number ?
  • Biletin var mı ?
  • Do you have a ticket ?
  • Biletini aldın mı ?
  • Have you got your ticket ?
  • Biletin yanında mı ?
  • Do you have your ticket with you ?

We have covered the most common Turkish phrases that are used when someone needs to buy a ticket in Turkey.

For more lessons to learn common Turkish visit phrases and vocabularies page

For support and learning Turkish easily with colorful pages, you can buy the book for Turkish for beginners from the shop.

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