How To be Polite in Turkish

In this lesson, you will learn some Turkish vocabulary and example sentences related with human behaviors and how to be polite in Turkish. This will help you to express your thoughts about others behaviors in Turkish.

There are some most common polite expressions in Turkish,

  • Affedersiniz : Excuse me
  • Pardon : Sorry

Here is the some vocabulary that will help you to make comments about someone’s behaviors in Turkish.

  • Nazik : Kind
  • Kibar : Polite
  • Kaba : Rude
  • Anlayışlı : Understanding
  • Düşünceli : Thoughtful
  • Küfür : Swearing
  • Ahlaki : Moral
  • Ahlak : Morality
  • Ayıp : Shame
  • Utanmak : to be ashamed
  • Yardımsever : Helpful
  • Saygılı : Respectful
  • Davranış : Behavior
  • Davranmak : Behave
Useful Sentences

Here is the related sentences with above words. These sentences are from in daily life examples. It ıs highly suggested to study them and use them with your Turkish friends.

  • Bana karşı naziksin.
  • You are kind to me.
  • Kibar, anlayışlı ve düşünceli birisin.
  • You are polite, understanding and thoughtful person.
  • Bu hiç hoş değil.
  • It is not polite.
  • Çok kabasın.
  • You are so rude.
  • Yaptığın çok ayıp.
  • Shame on you.
  • Küfür size yakışmıyor.
  • Swearing doesn’t suit you.
  • Senden utanıyorum.
  • I am ashamed of you.
  • Lütfen davranışlarına dikkat et!
  • Please watch your behavior!
  • Küfür burada hoş karşılanmaz.
  • Swearing is not welcome here.
  • Ahlak sınırlarını geçmemelisin.
  • You must not cross the boundaries of morality.
  • Birbirimize yardımsever ve saygılı olmalıyız.
  • We should be helpful and respectful to each other.

For more vocabulary lessons, please visit Turkish vocabulary page.

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