Pay for Someone Else in Turkish
In this post, we are going to learn how to offer to pay for someone in Turkish. Let’s assume you invited your friend out to dinner. When the bill comes for the meal, You would like to offer to pay for the meal.
There are many ways to offer to pay for someone in Turkish, Let’s learn common expressions for this.
How to offer to pay for someone : Common Expressions in Turkish
- Hesabı ben ödeyeceğim.
- I will pay for the bill.
- Bu benim ikramım.
- It is my treat.
- Bunu ben ısmarlıyorum.
- I am paying for this.
- Bunu ben hallederim.
- I have got this one.
- Hesabı ben hallederim.
- I will take care of the bill.
- Bu benden
- It is on me.
- Bunu ben halledeceğim.
- I will get this one.
- Bir daha ki sefere sen ısmarlarsın.
- You can pay for the next one.
- Bunu benim ödememe izin ver.
- Let me get this one.
- Israr ediyorum.
- I insist.

These are the common expressions when someone would like to pay for someone in Turkish.
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