Present Continuous tense : Negative
In this lesson, you will learn how to build Present Continuous tense : negative sentences (Şimdiki zaman : Olumsuz cümleler) in Turkish.
Present continuous tense (Şimdiki zaman) in Turkish is one of the most important Turkish Grammar topic. By learning the this tense well, you will be also learn general structure of Turkish word order.
Prerequisites of this lesson are present continuous tense and questions
Olumsuz cümleler – Negative Sentences
“-mi, -mı, -mu, -mü “ are the negative suffixes for this tense . Look at the below given picture to see the Turkish word order for negative sentences in present continuous tense

How to build negative sentences
Here is the steps to make negative sentences in Turkish present continuous tense
Take the verb root (Konuş-mak) | konuş |
Add appropriate negative suffix (“-mi, -mı, -mu, -mü “) | konuş-mu |
Add present continuous tense suffix (-yor, -iyor, -ıyor, -uyor, -üyor) | Konuş-mu-yor |
Finally add the appropriate personal ending (ım, im, sın, sun …..) | Konuş-mu-yor-sun |
Example sentences
- Ben kitap okumuyorum.
- I am not reading a book.
- Ben köpek görmüyorum.
- I am not seeing a dog.
- Şu anda çalışmıyoruz.
- We are not working at the moment.
- Sana gülmüyorum.
- I am not laughing at you.
- Bebek uyumuyor.
- Baby is not a sleeping
- Çorba pişirmiyorum.
- I am not cooking soup.
- Ekrana bakmıyorsun.
- You are not looking at screen.
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