Zodiac signs in Turkish
In this lesson, you will learn the name of Turkish zodiac signs and how to ask someone’s horoscope and give answer in Turkish.
Horoscope means ” Burç ” in Turkish.
Turkish Zodiac Signs
Here is the Zodiac signs in Turkish language. You can study the worksheet to memorize the zodiac signs easier.
Asking someone’s horoscope in Turkish
Many people believes that horoscopes has an affect on the personality of person. When you meet with someone, it is also great way to start a new conversation and learn about each other by talking about horoscopes and zodiacs in Turkish.
Here is the some useful questions and sentences to start a Turkish conversation related with zodiacs.
- Burcun ne ?
- What is your horoscope?
- Benim burcum yay.
- My sign is Sagittarius.
- Ben aslan burcuyum.
- I am Leo.
- Sen ikizler burcu musun ?
- Are you a gemini?
- Hayır, ben boğa burcuyum.
- No, I’m a Taurus.
- Akrep burcu ile iyi anlaşıyorum.
- I get along well with Scorpio.
- Yengeç burcu ile anlaşamıyorum.
- I can’t get along with Cancer.
- Senin doğum günün ne zaman?
- When is your birthday?
- Doğum günüm Şubat ayında.
- My birthday is in February.
- 16 Aralık benim doğum günüm.
- December 16 is my birthday.
- Hangi ayda doğdun?
- Which month were you born in?
- Şubat ayında doğdum.
- I was born in February.
- Ben aralıkta doğdum.
- I was born in December
For more vocabulary lessons, please visit Turkish vocabulary page.
For support and learning Turkish easily with colorful pages, you can buy the book for Turkish for beginners from the shop.
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