Health Problems in Turkish

In this lesson, we will learn most essential vocabulary and sentences related with heath problems in Turkish. At the end of the lesson, you will be able to describe your health problems, ask about someone’s health problems, respond the questions and giving useful health advices in Turkish.

Geçmiş Olsun : Get well soon

Health problems vocabulary in Turkish

Here some common health problems and diseases in Turkish

  • Baş ağrısı : Headache
  • Kulak ağrısı : Earache
  • Burun akıntısı : Runny nose
  • Grip : Flu
  • Ateş : Fever
  • Diş ağrısı : Toothache
  • Backache : Bel ağrısı / Sırt ağrısı
  • Soğuk algınlığı : Cold
  • Karın ağrısı : Stomachache
  • Kusma : Vomiting
  • Öksürük : Cough
  • Mide bulantısı : Nausea
  • İshal : diarrhea
  • Boğaz ağrısı : Boğaz ağrısı
  • Düşük tansiyon : Low blood pressure
  • Yüksek tansiyon : High blood pressure
  • Üşütmek : To catch a cold
  • Kırık kol : Broken arm
  • Kırık bacak : Broken leg
  • Kırık parmak : Broken finger
  • Kanama : Bleeding
  • Kaşıntı : Itching
  • Omuz ağrısı : Pain in shoulder
  • Kolumda ağrı : Pain in my arm
  • Kalp krizi : Heart attack

Asking about health problems in Turkish

Here you will find some common sentences to ask and learn someone’s health problems

  • İyi misin ?
  • Are you ok?
  • Hasta mısın?
  • Are you sick ?
  • Neyin var?
  • What is wrong with you?
  • İyi görünmüyorsun.
  • You don’t look good.
  • Neresi acıyor?
  • Where does it hurt?
  • Hastalığın nedir?
  • What is your sickness?

Talking about your health in Turkish

In this section, you will learn how to talk about your health problems and describe your health problems in Turkish with useful sentences.

  • kendimi iyi hissetmiyorum
  • I do not feel good
  • Bugün pek iyi değilim.
  • I don’t feel well today.
  • Başım ağrıyor.
  • I have a headache.
  • Kolum ağrıyor.
  • My arm hurts.
  • Ateşim var.
  • I have a fever.
  • Bel ağrım ve öksürüğüm var.
  • I have backache and cough.
  • Gribim.
  • I have the flu.
  • Üşüttüm.
  • I have a cold.
  • Sakatlandım.
  • I am injured.

Health related vocabulary in Turkish

  • Hasta (Person) : Patient
  • Hasta : İll / Sick
  • Hastalık : Disease
  • Tedavi : Treatment
  • Tedavi etmek : To cure
  • Sağlık : Health
  • Sağlık sorunları : Health problems
  • Yüksek ateş : High fever
  • Eczane : Pharmacy
  • İlaç : Medicine
  • Hastane : Hospital
  • Hap : Pill
  • Antibiyotik : Antibiotic
  • Ağrı kesici : Painkiller
  • Krem : Cream
  • Yanık kremi : Burn cream
  • Güneş kremi : Sun cream
  • Reçete : Prescription
  • Tansiyon : Blood pressure
  • Kan testi : Blood test
  • Kanama : Bleeding
  • Sağır : Deaf
  • Kör : Blind
  • Bağışıklık sistemi : İmmune system
  • Yaralı : Injuried

Health advices in Turkish

In this part, you will learn some common advices to be away from diseases and stay healthy. During a conversation in Turkish , they can be used as an advice to the person who needs them.

  • Doktora git
  • Visit a doctor
  • Ağrı kesici al
  • Take an painkiller
  • Sigarayı bırak
  • Stop smoking
  • Alkolü azaltın
  • cut down on alcohol
  • Biraz kilo vermeye çalış,
  • Try to lose some weigh
  • Dinlenin
  • Take a rest
  • Limon ve nane çayı için.
  • Drink lemon and mint tea.
  • Daha az şeker ve tuz tüketin.
  • Consume less sugar and salt
  • Yağlı yiyeceklerden uzak durun.
  • Avoid fatty foods.
  • Stresle başa çıkmanın yollarını öğrenin.
  • Learn ways to cope with stress.
  • Kaslarınızı güçlendirin.
  • Strengthen your muscles.
  • Yeterince su için.
  • Drink enough water

You can visit the Turkish vocabulary page for more Turkish vocabulary lesson.

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