Applying for a job in Turkish
If you think to move Turkey and apply for a job in Turkey, ıt would be very helpful to learn some of useful vocabulary and phrases related about applying for a job in Turkish.
Whether you apply for a job or University in Turkey, you will need some knowledge of Turkish during the searching and applying process.
In this section , you will find the vocabulary that are used in the common phrases related with applying for a job in Turkish.
Before you move on the the phrases section, please get used to given vocabulary
- Başvuru : Apply
- Başvurmak : To apply
- Giriş sınavı : Entrance exam
- Mülakat : Interview
- İş : Job
- İş aramak : to look for a job
- İşe girmek : to get a job
- Belge : Documents
- Ertelemek : Postpone
- İptal etmek : Cancel
- Reddetmek : to reject
- Sonuç : Result
- Duyurmak : To announce
Common Phrases
Here is the most common phrases when Turkish people apply for a job or university in Turkey.
- Başvurular ne zaman başlıyor ?
- When do applications start?
- İşe nasıl başvurabilirim?
- How can I apply for the job?
- Bu pozisyon için başvurmak istiyorum.
- I want to apply for this position.
- İşe başvurdun mu ?
- Did you apply for the job ?
- İş arıyorum.
- I am looking for a job.
- İşe girdim.
- I got a job.
- Gerekli belgeleri hazırladınız mı ?
- Have you prepared the necessary documents ?
- Gerekli belgeler nelerdir ?
- What are the necessary documents?
- Başvuru şartları nelerdir?
- What are the application requirements?
- Mülakatın ne zaman ?
- When is your interview ?
- Mülakatın nasıldı ?
- How was your interview ?
- Mülakata çağrıldım.
- I am invited for the interview.
- Mülakatım ertelendi.
- My interview has been postponed.
- Giriş sınavı iptal edildi.
- Entrance exam has been cancelled.
- Sonuçlar ne zaman duyurulur ?
- When will the results be announced ?
- İşe alındım.
- I got hired.
- Reddedildim.
- I got rejected.
- Biz sizi arayacağız.
- We will call you back.
- Sizi bilgilendireceğiz.
- We will inform you.

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