Texting and Messaging in Turkish
In this lesson, Firstly you will learn most common phrases related with texting and messaging in Turkish.
Secondly, ı have prepared a simple texting conversation for you. It is both in English and Turkish with Audio version for pronunciation purposes.
Texting Phrases and Vocabulary in Turkish
In these days , texting is used generally when somebody is not available to give answer the phone calls.
For this reasons, To learn the common Turkish phrases and vocabulary can be very important for Turkish beginners.
You can use below given phrases in your daily life with your Turkish friends during texting.
- Mesaj göndermek
- To send a message
- Mesajlaşma
- Texting
- Orada mısın ?
- Are you there?
- Toplantıdayım.
- I am at a meeting.
- Meşgulum.
- I am busy.
- Müsait değilim.
- I am not available.
- Seni biraz sonra arayacağım.
- I will call you later.
- Bana mesaj gönder.
- Send me a message
- Mesajın gelmedi.
- Your message has not arrived.

Mesajlaşma – Texting Conversation
Here is the simple texting conversation between couples in Turkish language. You can have a look at how is simple texting in Turkish from the below conversation.
- Orada mısın? Sana ulaşamıyorum.
- Seni merak ediyorum. Her şey yolunda mı?
- Buradayım. Affedersin, işte bir sorun çıktı.
- Toplantıdaydım ve telefonu açamadım.
- Her şey yolunda. Endişelenme
- Birazdan eve geleceğim.
- Ekmek almayı unutma!
- Akşam yemeği hazır. Seni bekliyoruz.
- Tamam aşkım.
- Are you there? I can not reach you.
- I am worrying you. Is everything okay?
- Sorry, something came up at work.
- I was in a meeting and couldn’t pick up the phone.
- Everything is going well. Don’t be afraid.
- I will be home soon.
- Don’t forget to buy bread while coming
- Dinner is ready. We are waiting for you.
- OK my love.

For more vocabulary lessons, please visit Turkish vocabulary page.
For support and learning Turkish easily with colorful pages, you can buy the book for Turkish for beginners from the shop.
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