How to say “Good Morning” in Turkish
Günaydın = Good morning
Literally “Good morning” means “Günaydın” in Turkish language. It ıs the most common way of saying. However, there are many ways to say it in Turkish.
- Günaydın : Good Morning
Ways to say Good Morning in Turkish
Here is the some ways to say Good morning in Turkey. When you want to say to your friend, friends, family member or your beloved ones, you can use the other forms of “Good Morning” in Turkish.
Below you will find some common ways to say “Good Morning” in Turkish with their pronunciation.
- Günaydın
- Good morning
- Herkese Günaydın
- Good morning everyone
- Günaydın Emre bey
- Good morning Mr. Emre
- Günaydın Merve hanım
- Good morning Mrs. Merve

- Hayırlı sabahlar!
- its’ origin is Arabic. It ıs not very common in these days. But ı prefer it personally. Because it reflects personal wishes. It literally means have a good morning with beautiful things.
- Sabah-ı şerifleriniz hayrola
- It ıs an old type of saying. Almost no one use it in these days. However, we use it for fun. For example, Someone woke up very late than he/she must wake up. we add “Why you wake up so early” after this sentence :).
İn the morning, You can say to everyone “Günaydın”. While you are shopping, entering your workplace, in the queue or before asking something in the morning. You can start your conversation with “Günaydın”.
Have a look at the examples
Günaydın, bir şey sorabilir miyim? | Good Morning, Can ı ask you something? |
Günaydın, Bir çay alabilir miyim? | Good morning, Can I have a cup of tea? |
Günaydın, Simit kaldı mı ? | Good morning, Is there any bagels left? |
Günaydın, Bir bilet alabilir miyim ? | Good morning, Can ı have a ticket? |

These examples can be multiplied in many cases. İf you have any questions, please leave a comment.
You can also learn about shopping in Turkish and how to say happy birthday in Turkish