Turkish Breakup phrases
Life is not always like we dream. We need to be ready for the bad experiences as well. Even if we don’t wish to have such experiences in our life, sometimes we can’t escape from these. For this reason, It is good to learn common Turkish breakup phrases.
You will find and learn common breakup phrases in Turkish in below.
Common Turkish Breakup Phrases
- Ayrıldınız mı?
- Did you break up ?
- Biz ayrıldık.
- We broke up.
- Biz ayrılmaya karar verdik.
- We decided to break up.
- Ne zaman ayrıldınız ?
- When did you break up?
- Geçen hafta ayrıldık.
- We broke up last week.
- Uzun zaman önce ayrıldık.
- We broke up long time ago.
- Ne zamandan beri ayrısınız ?
- When did you break up?
- 2 aydır görüşmüyoruz.
- We don’t see each other for two months.
- Biz artık görüşmüyoruz.
- We’re not seeing each other anymore.
- Yılbaşından beri görüşmedik.
- We have not seen each other since new year.
- Neden ayrıldınız ?
- Why did you breakup ?
- Artık onu sevmiyorum.
- I don’t love him anymore.
- Çok kavga ediyorduk.
- We were fighting a lot with each other.
- Ona karşı hislerimi kaybettim.
- I lost my feelings for him.
- Her gün tartışıyorduk.
- We were arguing every day.
- Onun bahanelerinden sıkıldım.
- I am tired of her excuses.
- Beni aldattı.
- He cheated on me.
- Bana ilgi göstermedi.
- He didn’t pay attention to me.

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