Affirmative Statement in Turkish

Affirmative statement is the very first lesson for in Turkish. In this lesson, we will learn most essential grammar rules for building sentence in Turkish language. You should study the rules and make lots of examples to understand how Turkish word order works.

To make easy the first lesson, we will learn use only third singular person (O – He/She/It) with to be verb in Turkish.

Lets start by analyzing the some sentences

  • O bir arabadır. (It is a car. )
  • Emre bir öğretmendir. (Emre is a teacher. )
  • Ayşe üzgündür. (Ayşe is upset. )
  • Türkçe zordur. (Turkish is difficult.)

As you see, objects are at the start of the sentences. All of them are third person singular. Additionally, you see that some suffixes are used in the blue color (-dir , -dır, -dur, -dür).

They are all the same. However, There is a vowel harmony in Turkish. It is always the rule in the all sentences in Turkish.

Vowel Harmony in Turkish:

If you look at carefully the sentences , you will see some letters they are in the pink color. They are the last letters of the words. So, the rule is related with last vowel of the words. Last vowels of the words decides to the suffixes will come after the words.

Here is the table for you :

İf last vowel isSuffix
a – ı -dır
e – i-dir
ö – ü-dür
o – u-dur

Have a look at the below examples.

  • Türkiye bir ülkedir. (Turkey is a country.)
  • Elbise kirlidir. (Dress is dirty.)
  • Öğretmen hastadır. (Teacher is sick.)
  • Bu pahalıdır. (This is expensive.)
  • O yorgundur. (She/he is tired.)
  • Türkçe zordur. (Turkish is difficult.)
  • Çocuk üzgündür. (Child is sad.)
  • Pazar bir gündür. (Sunday is a day.)

Last vowels of the words before the suffixes are in vowel harmony . It seems difficult but you will get used to it easily. It is a rule but just it helps talking more fluently in and easily by spending less effort and sounds more nice.

As a summary, You need subject, object and suffix for building simple Turkish sentence.

  1. First choose your object
  2. Secondly Decide who is the subject. Today we learnt the third person singular (O – He/She/It).
  3. Place it at the start of the sentences
  4. Add proper personal suffix to the end of your object. (O -> -dir, -dır, -dur, -dür)
  5. You built a simple sentence in Turkish.

Now it is time for doing exercises related with this topic 🙂


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