Talking about Politics in Turkish

In this lesson , we are going to talk about politics in Turkish. The lesson will cover essential Turkish vocabulary for politics and government. Later, you will find example sentences that are given in the vocabulary section.

Politics & Government – Turkish vocabulary

  • Siyaset : Politics
  • Siyasi : Political
  • Siyasetçi : Politician
  • Siyasi parti : Political parti
  • Hükümet : Government
  • Devlet memuru : Civil servant
  • Başbakan : Prime minister
  • Milletvekili : Member of parliament
  • Bakan : Minister
  • Demokrasi : Democracy
  • Cumhurbaşkanı : President of the republic
  • Meclis : Parliament
  • Kanun : Law
  • Anayasa : Constitution
  • Seçim : Election
  • Oy vermek : To vote
  • Seçmen : Voter
  • Aday : Candidate
  • Seçilmek : To be elected
  • Seçmek : To elect
  • Sağcı : Right-winger
  • Solcu : Left-winger
  • Sağ görüş : Right wing
  • Sol görüş : Left wing
  • Muhafazakar : Conservative
  • İtiraz etmek : To object
  • İtiraz : objection
  • Vatandaş : Citizen
  • Halk : Public
  • Atamak : To appoint
  • Milliyetçi : Nationalist
  • Politikaya girmek : To enter politics
  • Görev yapmak : To serve
  • Görevden alınmak : To be dismissed
  • İttifak : Alliance
  • Antlaşma : Treaty
  • Üye : Member
  • Diplomasi : Diplomacy
  • Uluslararası ilişkiler : International relations
  • Savunma bakanı : Defense minister
  • Kamu işleri : Public affairs
  • Büyük elçi : Ambassador
  • Özgürlük : Liberty / Independence
  • Başkanlık : Presidency
  • Yolsuzluk : Corruption
  • Tartışma : Debate
  • Eşitlik : Equality
  • Eşit : Equal
  • Savunmak : To defend
  • Hak : Right
  • Konuşma : Speech
  • İstifa : Resignation
  • İstifa etmek : To resign
  • Karşı çıkmak : To oppose
  • Karşı koyma : Opposition
  • Karşıt : Opposite
  • Karşıt görüş : Opposing view
  • Çoğunluk : Majority
  • Azınlık : Minority

For more lessons to learn common Turkish visit phrases and vocabularies page

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