Welcome in Turkish
In this lesson, you will learn ways to welcome your friends, customers or family members in Turkish
When your guests arrive the destination, we usually say “Hoş geldin” or “Hoş geldiniz“. Other person says “Hoş bulduk” in response.
Then, conversation starts between friends, family members or customers. You will see some dialogues in Turkish related with welcoming someone.
Welcoming related sentences
Here is the some useful sentences and questions to welcome someone in Turkish.
- Yolculuk nasıldı ?
- How was the trip?
- Çok uzun zaman oldu görüşmeyeli.
- It’s been a long time since we last met.
- İçeri girer misiniz?
- Will you come in?
- Gözümüz yollarda kaldı.
- We kept our eyes on the way.
- Sizi çok özledik
- We missed you so much.
- Hiç değişmemişsin.
- You have not changed at all.
- Çok misafirperversiniz.
- You are very hospitable.
- Misafirperverliğiniz için teşekkür ederim.
- Thank you for your hospitality.
- Türkler misafirperverdir.
- Turks are hospitable.
- Yorgun musunuz?
- Are you tired?
- Biraz dinlenmek ister misiniz?
- Do you want some rest?

For more vocabulary lessons, please visit Turkish vocabulary page.
Turkish books for beginners on ETSY shop.
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