Religious Vocabulary in Turkish
In this lesson, you will find common vocabulary and expressions related with religion and beliefs in Turkish. At the end of lesson, you will be able to talk about religions and religious terms in Turkish.
After learning the essential vocabulary, you will learn common questions and answers related with religion.
Religious Vocabulary
- Cami : Mosque
- Kilise : Tanrı
- İmam : Responsible person with mosque and worship in the mosque
- Rahip : Priest
- Tapınak : Temple
- Din : Religion
- Dini : Religious
- Tanrı : God
- İnanç : Faith
- Dua : Pray (Noun)
- İbadet : Worship
- Kutsal kitap : Holy book
- İnanmak : To believe in
- Müslüman : Muslim
- Hristiyan : Christian
- Oruç tutmak : To fast
- Oruç : Fasting
- Şeytan : Demon
- Melek : Angel
- Muhafazakar : Conservative
- Laik : Secular
- Cennet : Heaven
- Cehennem : Hell
- Mucize : Miracle
- Ruh: soul
- Günah : Sin
- Yaratıcı : Creator
- İncil : Bible
- Kuran : Quran
- Dini tatil : Religious holiday
- Ramazan : Ramadan
- Ramazan bayramı : Ramadan feast
- Kurban bayramı : Feast of the Sacrifice

Talking about religion in Turkish
In this section, you can find most common questions and answers to use in your Turkish conversations related with religion.
- Dindar mısın?
- Are you religious?
- Ben dindar değilim. Ben dindarım.
- I am not religious. I am religious.
- Dua eder misin?
- Do you pray?
- Ben her gece dua ederim.
- I pray every night.
- Bir yaratıcıya inanır mısın?
- Do you believe in a creator?
- Evet, bir yaratıcıya inanıyorum.
- Yes, I believe in a creator.
- Dini inancın nedir?
- What is your religious faith?
- Ben Müslümanım.
- I am Muslim.
- Oruç tutar mısın?
- Do you fast?
- Evet, Her sene oruç tutuyorum.
- Yes, I fast every year.
- Bugün oruçlu musun?
- Are you fasting today?
- Bugün oruçlu değilim.
- I am not fasting today.
- Ne sıklıkla ibadet edersin?
- How often do you pray?
- Camiye ve kiliseye gider misin?
- Do you go to mosque and church?
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