How to Order Turkish Coffee
Turks drink Turkish coffee daily. It is one of the Turkish people’s strongest tradition as well. It has importance in our lives. You can see Turkish coffee as a part of most beautiful moments of Turks’ lives.
When you visit the Turkey, you will possibly not go back to your home without trying Turkish coffee. So, here you will learn how to order Turkish coffee in Turkish and also some useful vocabulary that can help your communication.
Lets start learning some vocabulary.

Turkish Coffee related vocabulary
Here is the some useful vocabulary to help you talking about Turkish coffee or giving order.
- Kahve dükkanı : Coffee shop
- Kahve : Coffee
- Türk kahvesi : Turkish coffee
- Sütlü kahve : Coffee with milk
- Buzlu kahve : Iced coffee
- Sert kahve : Strong coffee
- Şeker : Sugar
- Şekerli : Sugary
- Şekersiz : Without sugar
- Sert kahve : Strong kahve
- Süt : Milk
- Büyük boy : Large
- Küçük boy : Small
- Köpüklü : Foamy
- Köpüklü kahve : Foamy coffee
- Kahve fincanı : Coffee cup
- Cezve : Turkish coffee pot
- Lokum : Turkish delight
- Su : Water
You also need some verbs 🙂
- İçmek : To drink
- Sipariş vermek : to give order
- Davet etmek : Invite
- Türk kahvesi yapmak : To make Turkish coffee
Invıte your friend for a coffee
Before you order Turkish coffee, you must also invite your friend for a coffee. In this section, you will find some useful and easy Turkish sentences to invite your friends for a Turkish coffee.
- Kahve içmek ister misin?
- Would you like to drink Turkish coffee?
- Dersten sonra kahve içmek ister misin?
- Would you like to have coffee after class ?
- Bu hafta sonu kahve için müsait misin?
- Are you free for coffee this weekend?
- Bir yerde kahve içelim mi?
- Shall we have coffee somewhere?
- Benimle kahve içer misin?
- Would you like to have coffee with me?
- Hadi kahve içmeye gidelim.
- Let’s go for a coffee.
- Hadi kahve içmeye gidelim.
- Let’s go for a coffee.
- İşten sonra bir kahve içmek ister misin?
- Would you like to have a coffee after work.
How to order Turkish Coffee in a shop
Now it is time to give order for your Turkish coffee. Here is the some useful sentences that may help you to communicate with a waitress.
- Ne içmek istersiniz?
- What would you like to drink?
- Türk kahvesi var mı?
- Do you serve Turkish coffee?
- Ben şekersiz bir Türk kahvesi istiyorum.
- I want a Turkish coffee without sugar.
- Köpüklü Türk kahvesi lütfen.
- A foamy Turkish coffee, please.
- Sert bir Türk kahvesi istiyorum.
- I want a strong Turkish coffee.
- Sen Türk kahveni nasıl tercih edersin?
- How do you prefer your coffee?
- Türk kahvesi sever misin?
- Do you like Turkish coffee?
- Günde kaç kez Türk kahvesi içiyorsun?
- How many times do you drink Turkish coffee in a day.
Next lesson, ı will explain you how to make tasty Turkish coffee at home.
For more vocabulary lessons, please visit Turkish vocabulary page.
For support and learning Turkish easily with colorful pages, you can buy the book for Turkish for beginners from the shop.
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