How to express Surprise in Turkish

In this lesson , you will learn how to express your surprise when you experience something unexpected in Turkish.

When you hear something unexpected or feel surprised at something, you may need to express your feelings in different ways in Turkish.

Here is the most common expressions to convey your emotions or reactions to your Turkish friends in Turkish.

Ways to express your surprise in Turkish

  • Çok şaşırdım.
  • I am very surprised.
  • Beni şaşırttın.
  • You surprised me.
  • Çok şaşkınım.
  • I am so surprised.
  • Ne diyeceğimi bilemiyorum.
  • I am speechless.
  • Şu anda şaşkınlık içerisindeyim.
  • I am in a daze right now.
  • Bu harika bir sürpriz.
  • That is a great surprise.
  • Ciddi misin ?
  • Are you serious ?
  • Bunu beklemiyordum.
  • I was not expecting this.
  • Bu gerçek olamaz.
  • This can’t be true.
  • Bu inanılmaz.
  • That is incredible.
  • Gözlerime inanamıyorum.
  • I can’t believe my eyes.
  • Bu olamaz.
  • No way.
  • Gerçekten mi ?
  • Really ?
  • Kulaklarıma inanamıyorum.
  • I can’t believe my ears.
  • Ciddi olamazsın.
  • You can’t be serious.
  • Şaka mı yapıyorsun ?
  • Are you joking ?
  • Dalga geçiyorsun değil mi ?
  • You’re kidding, aren’t you?
  • Benimle dalga geçmeyi bırak.
  • Stop making fun of me.
  • Buna inanamıyorum.
  • I can’t believe it.
  • Bu doğru mu ?
  • Is that true ?

The expressions given above will be enough helpful for you to express your surprise in Turkish. Now, you have many different ways to express your feelings of surprise in Turkish.

For more lessons to learn common Turkish visit phrases and vocabularies page

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