Talking about family in Turkish
In this lesson, we will learn everything for talking about family in Turkish. Firstly, names of the family members in Turkish will be covered. Secondly, You will learn how to describe our relatives in Turkish.
Thirdly, there is a short text about describing your family members with translation. Finally, Some common questions to be used through conversation with your Turkish friends.
Of course, There is an easy test at the end of lesson. Do not forget to solve that 🙂
Family members in Turkish language
We share our best or worst moments of our life with our family. So, learning about family will cover our life’s most ways.
Erkek kardeş : Brother
Erkek kardeşim yok.
I have no brother.
Teyze : Aunt
Teyzem annemin kız kardeşidir.
My aunt is my mother’s sister.
Dede : Grandfather
Dedem hayatta değil.
My grandfather is not alive.
Yeğen : Nephew
İki yeğenim var.
I have two nephews.
Aile: Family
Ailemi çok seviyorum.
I love my family.
Anneanne : Grandmother
Anneannem hayatta.
My grandmother is alive.
Koca : Husband
Çok kıskanç bir kocam var.
I have a very jealous husband.
Karı : Wife
Karım ve ben geçen sene boşandık.
My wife and me divorced last year.
Eş : Spouse
Eşim ile iyi anlaşıyorum.
I get on well with my wife.
Hala : Aunt
Halamı ziyarete gideceğim.
I’m going to visit my aunt.
Kayınpeder : Father-in-law
Bu hafta sonu kayın pederimi ziyaret edeceğim.
I’m going to visit my father-in-law this weekend.
Kaynana : Mother-in-Law
Kaynanam çok konuşuyor.
My mother-in-law talks a lot.
Describing the Family members in Turkish
In this section of the lesson, we will learn how to describe our family members. For instance, Emre is the brother of Merve, ” Emre Merve’nin kardeşidir”.
Additionally, Lets have a look at the ımage. There is a family tree in the image. You will benefit from the image to find relation between members in Turkish.
Let’s start talking about family in Turkish
Hakan Elif‘in kocasıdır.
Hakan is the husband of Elif.
Hakan Ali’nin erkek çocuğudur.
Ali is the son of Hakan.
Merve benim annemdir.
(Merve is my mother.)
Merve Mert‘in halasıdır.
Merve is the aunt of Mert.
Ben ve Mert, biz kuzeniz.
Me and Mert, we are kuzeniz.)
Gizem Selin‘in torunudur.
Gizem is the granddaughter of Selin.
“My Family” reading
In this section, a short written text will help you talking about family in Turkish. Buğlem is a Turkish girl and she will tell about her family in the given text.
Additionally, you can find the translation in the image of my family reading.
Merhaba! Benim adım Buğlem. Ben ailem ile birlikte küçük bir köyde yaşıyorum. Biz iki kardeşiz. Benim erkek kardeşimin adı Ensar. Benim annemin adı Merve. O bir ev hanımı. Babamın adı Adem. Babam bir fabrikada çalışıyor. Bizim bir de bir köpeğimiz var. Onun ismi çorap. Biz küçük ve mutlu bir aileyiz. |
Hi! My name is Buglem. I live in a small village with my family. We are two siblings. My brother’s name is Ensar. My mother’s name is Merve. She is housewife. My father’s name is Adem. My father works in a factory. We also have a dog. Its name is Çorap. We are a small and happy family. |
Common Questions and answers about Family
There are some common questions and answers while you are talking about family in Turkish daily life.
In this part, you will see some common questions that Turkish people generally ask. Additionally, There is a image that covers the same topic. You can also study it.
Common Questions
- Pazar günleri aileniz ne yapıyor?
What does your family do on Sundays?
- Ailenle mi yaşıyorsun?
Do you live with your family?
- Ailenizdeki en yaşlı kişi kimdir?
Who is the oldest person in your family?
- Ailenizde ev işlerini kim yapıyor?
Who does the housework in your family?
- Ailenizdeki en tembel kişi kimdir?
Who is the laziest person in your family?
- Deden sağ mı ?
İs your grandfather alive?
Common answers
- Benim en sevdiğim akrabam yeğenim.
My favorite relative is my nephew.
- Ailemde 4 kişi var.
There are 4 people in my family.
- Biz pazar günleri pikniğe gidiyoruz.
We go on a picnic on Sundays.
- Evet, ailem ile yaşıyorum.
Yes, I live with my family.
- Ailemdeki en yaşlı kişi babamdır.
The oldest person in my family is my father.
- Ev işlerini genellikle annem yapıyor.
My mother usually does the housework.
- Bizim ailede en tembel kişi benim.
I am the laziest person in our family.
- Dedem sağ.
My grandfather is alive.
Exercises ” Talking about Family in Turkish”
[qsm quiz=14]
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