Essential Household Chores in Turkish

In this lesson, we’ll explore essential vocabulary and phrases related to household chores in Turkish. You’ll learn how to describe everyday tasks like cleaning, cooking, and laundry. By the end of this lesson, you’ll be able to discuss household chores confidently in Turkish!

1. Vocabulary (Kelime bilgisi)

Here’s a list of common household chores with their Turkish equivalents:

Household chores Turkish vocabulary

2. Example Sentences (Örnek Cümleler)

Here are some example sentences to help you use this vocabulary in context:

House hold chores common phrases in Turkish

Evi temizliyorum.
I am cleaning the house

O akşam yemeği pişiriyor.
She is cooking dinner.

Bulaşıkları yıkamamız gerekiyor.
We need to wash the dishes.

Emre çamaşır yıkıyor.
Emre is doing laundry.

Çöpü çıkarabilir misin ?
Can you take out the trash?

Paspaslamayı unutma
Don’t forget to mop.

House hold chores common phrases in Turkish

Bugün kim temizlik yapacak?
Who will do the cleaning today?

Bulaşıklar kirli
The dishes are dirty.

I need to do the laundry.
Çamaşır yıkamam lazım.

Bitkileri sulamayı unutma.
Don’t forget to water the plants.

Yatağı toplamak zorundayım.
I have to make the bed

4. Practice Activities
Activity 1: Match the Pairs (Eşleştirme)

Match the English household job with its Turkish equivalent.

  1. Washing dishes
  2. Vacuuming
  3. Ironing
  4. Grocery shopping
  5. Sweeping

a. Ütü yapma
b. Alışveriş yapma
c. Elektrikli süpürgeyle süpürme
d. Bulaşık yıkama
e. Süpürme

(Answers: 1-d, 2-c, 3-a, 4-b, 5-e)

Activity 2: Fill in the Blanks (Boşluk Doldurma)

Complete the sentences with the correct Turkish household job vocabulary.

  1. Akşam yemeğini _________ gerekiyor. (pişirmek)
  2. Her sabah yatağımı ________. (topluyorum)
  3. ________ yapmayı sevmiyorum. (Ütü)
  4. ________ kirli, yıkamamız lazım. (Bulaşıklar)
  5. Annem ________ yapmak için markete gitti. (alışveriş)

(Answers: 1. pişirmek, 2. topluyorum, 3. Ütü, 4. Bulaşıklar, 5. alışveriş)

5. Speaking Practice (Konuşma Pratiği)

Pair up with a friend or practice aloud using these prompts:

  • A: Bugün temizlik yaptın mı?
    (Did you clean today?)
  • B: Evet, evi temizledim.
    (Yes, I cleaned the house.)

Talking about household chores is a part of daily life, and now you have the vocabulary and phrases to discuss these tasks in Turkish. Practice regularly, and soon, you’ll be able to describe your daily routine with ease.