English to Turkish Dictionaries : Useful resources for Turkish learners
In a foreign language learning process, one of the most used and helpful resource for the the learners are the dictionaries. In your learning Turkish language path, English to Turkish dictionary will be your best friends. There are many dictionaries that you can get help during your studies, but ı suggest two English to Turkish dictionaries as a resource that you can get help during your studies in Turkish.
Seslisözlük is my favorite for the translation. It is the best dictionary in Turkey and it is said 6th in the world. It has more that 20 million words with pronunciation and it can translate 20 different languages into Turkish.
I like Seslisozluk a lot, because ıt doesn’t only translate the words and give many sentences that shows how the words are used in the sentences. With Lots of examples and pronunciations, Seslisözlük will be your best dictionary while you are studying Turkish.
It has also mobile application that you can download from the Google play store.
If you are looking for good English to Turkish dictionary , ı definitely suggest you the Seslisözlük.
Here is the link for the Seslisözlük : www.seslisözlük.com
Link for the mobile app : Sesli Sözlük Mobile app
Context Reverso
Sometimes you need more than translation and few examples. Context Reverso provides very fast search on the internet with your related word and brings to you hundreds of sentences and phrases that are translated into English and Turkish.
I think what it does unbelivable in few seconds with hundreds of sentences with translations. It also suggest you to related words to search on the web.
For example, ı have written “to write” in English. Reverso Context has found many sentences and phrases on the web related with to write and translated into Turkish language. it is great opportunity to study Turkish in this way.
Write the word you study and find hundreds of sentences to see how it used in the Turkish with translation.
As you see, above it suggest you many related words to be found. It ıs amazing.
If you are looking for a English to Turkish dictionary with many translated sentences , I suggest context reverso.

Visit the Context Reverso : https://context.reverso.net/
These are my mostly used resources while studying any language and ı find them very useful. Both of them has its own advantages. As a dictionary and with some examples sentences use the Seslisözlük , but if you are searching hundreds of the sentences translated with related your words go to Context reverso.
İf you are Turkish beginner , Here is the section for the Turkish beginners. You will find everything what you need there as a Turkish beginner. Go to Turkish Beginner section.
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