Var and Yok in Turkish: There Is / There Are (not)

In this lesson, we will focus on two essential words in Turkish: “var” and “yok.” These words are widely used in daily conversations to indicate whether something exists or not. Let’s break them down and explore how they work in various contexts.

What Does Var Mean?

The word “var” means “there is” or “there are” in English. It is used when you want to express the existence of something.

  • Evde su var.
    There is water in the house.
  • Bu odada çok kitap var.
    There are many books in this room.
  • Arabada benzin var mı?
    Is there gas in the car?
What Does Yok Mean?

The word “yok” is the opposite of “var.” It means “there is not” or “there are not.” It’s used when you want to express the absence of something.

  • Evde su yok.
    There is no water in the house.
  • Bu odada hiç kitap yok.
    There are no books in this room.
  • Arabada benzin yok.
    There is no gas in the car.

There is there are var yok in Turkish

Usage in Questions

In Turkish, you can use var and yok to ask if something exists or is available. Let’s look at some examples:

  • Bu restoranda vejetaryen yemek var mı?
    Is there vegetarian food at this restaurant?
  • Sınıfta öğrenci var mı?
    Are there any students in the classroom?

If the answer is “yes,” you simply say “var.” If the answer is “no,” you say “yok.”

Example Conversation:
  • – Dışarıda kimse var mı?
    Is there anyone outside?
  • – Yok.
    No, there isn’t.

Var and Yok in Common Phrases

Both var and yok are used in many common Turkish expressions. Let’s look at a few of them:

  • İş var mı?
    Is there work?
  • İş yok.
    There is no work.
  • Soru var mı?
    Are there any questions?
  • Soru yok.
    There are no questions.

Practice Sentences

Try to create sentences using var and yok to get comfortable with these concepts.

  1. Kafede çay ________. (var/yok)
  2. Bu sokakta park ________. (var/yok)
  3. Çantada para ________ mu? (var/yok)

In Turkish, “var” and “yok” are simple but essential words that you’ll hear and use frequently. They are used to talk about the existence or absence of something. Practice these words by making sentences and asking questions to strengthen your understanding. Mastering them will significantly improve your Turkish conversation skills!