Common Turkish Phrases for Getting Ready

In this lesson, we’ll explore essential Turkish phrases that you can use when discussing the process of getting ready. Whether you’re in a rush or waiting for someone to finish preparing, these expressions will come in handy. The visual below provides some key examples, and we’ve added more phrases to enrich your vocabulary.

1. Bitmedi mi hâlâ?

Are you not done yet?

Use this phrase when someone is taking longer than expected to get ready. It’s a gentle way to express impatience.

2. Hâlâ hazır değil misin?

Are you not ready yet?

This phrase is perfect for those moments when someone is still not ready, even after some time has passed.

3. Biraz çabuk olamaz mısın?

Can’t you do it a bit faster?

When time is tight, and you need someone to speed up, this phrase will help convey your sense of urgency.

4. Zamanında hazır ol.

Be ready in time.

A straightforward instruction to ensure punctuality. Use it when you need someone to be ready at a specific time.

5. Hazırlanman için 10 dakikan var.

You have 10 minutes to get ready.

This phrase clearly sets a time limit for getting ready, helping to manage expectations.

6. Ne kadar daha sürecek?

How much longer will it take?

Use this phrase when you want to know how much more time someone needs to get ready. It’s a polite way to inquire about progress.

7. Acele et lütfen.

Please hurry up.

This is a polite request for someone to hurry. It’s less demanding than other expressions but still conveys urgency.

8. Neredeyse hazır mısın?

Are you almost ready?

This phrase is ideal when you want to check if someone is nearly finished with their preparations.

9. Şimdi çıkmamız lazım.

We need to leave now.

When time’s up and you need to head out, this phrase will signal that it’s time to go.

10. Biraz daha zamanın var.

You have a little more time.

This phrase can be reassuring, letting someone know they don’t need to rush too much.

Mastering these Turkish phrases related to getting ready will help you navigate everyday situations with ease. Whether you’re asking someone to hurry up or checking if they’re almost done, these expressions are essential for smooth communication. Practice using them in your daily conversations, and soon they’ll become a natural part of your Turkish vocabulary. Remember, the more you use these phrases, the more confident you’ll become in your language skills. Keep practicing, and you’ll be ready in no time